24. Quiz: One Awesome Message (2-12)


Here are two awesome messages:

Hi, my name is Julia. I love cats. In my spare time, I like to play video games.
Hi, my name is James. I love baseball. In my spare time, I like to read.

Declare and assign values to three variables for each part of the sentence that changes (firstName, interest, and hobby).

Use your variables and string concatenation to create your own awesome message and store it in an awesomeMessage variable. Finally, print your awesome message to the JavaScript console.

Your Code:

Start Quiz:

 * Programming Quiz: One Awesome Message (2-12)
 * 1. Create the following variables:
 *     - firstName
 *     - interest
 *     - hobby
 * 2. Create a variable named awesomeMessage and set it to an awesome message using
      string concatenation and the variables above.
 * 3. Log the awesomeMessage variable to the console.

 * Notes:
 * - The `awesomeMessage` should have the format of:
 *   Hi, my name is _____. I love _____. In my spare time, I like to _______.
 * - Using the above as an example, firstName would have been assigned to "Julia",
 *   interest to "cats", and hobby to "play video games" to produce the message:
 *   Hi, my name is Julia. I love cats. In my spare time, I like to play video games.
 * - Be sure to include spaces and periods where necessary!

// Add your code here